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15 January 2010

Contract Thwack

Just a few days back, I got myself into trouble.
When I was a kid, I viewed ninjas with the highest regard. Ninjas were a proud race of superhumans: invisible, invincible, indomitable, insuperable. You name it. Ninjas are everything pirates will never be. Nothing can best a ninja.

Boy I was wrong. Like I mentioned, I got myself into a trouble. I learnt that even ninjas are not excused from the law. I was trying to set up a dojo and the most ridiculous thing about it is that, a contract has to be in place.

What nonsense !?!? I mean, a contract? Why can’t we kill everybody and do as we please? We are ninjas after all. We ninjas are masters of the night and yet we have to comply with the many regulations of you money-sucking day-people. Because of you day people, I had to study contract law.

Since then, I’ve been force feeding my brain with terminologies like:
- Procurement
- Solicitation
- Arbitration
- Escrow
- Forbearance
- Force majeure
- Liquidated damages
- Waiver
- Order of precedence
- Finality of acceptance
- Privity
- Ownership
- Ethics
- Reciprocity
- Equity
- Acquisition

It is frustrating that studying contract law is like studying high-class English.Why can't we just use plain old normal english like ninjas do?
Ninja: Let’s buy some computer.
Law: Procurement may solicit bids and purchase systems.

Ninja: Free! No extra charge.
Law: The penalty fee has been waived

This is hell. In fact, it is an understatement to say that ‘this is hell’. Compared to law, Hell would be a walk in the park. Ever seen Judge Dredd cry? Because this is exactly the sort of stuff that will make Judge Dredd cringe hoping that he was never born. This is why Judge Dredd prefers extermination over law-nitpicking negotiations. Some say he never sheds a tear and that is incorrect because they dont't show you the part where he had to study law.

Just to give you a preview of what I’m going through:
Arbitration: The process of settling a dispute between two parties by an impartial third party.

Escrow: Depositing something into the care of an impartial custodian, until the completion of a defined set of conditions.

Force majeure: An act of God, irresistible force, or inevitable accident that could not be avoided by the exercise of due care. Examples are an earthquake, a hurricane, or even a labor dispute.

Do you think people who studies law have a better command of English?

7 ninja comment(s):

Dak Wan® said...

Hahaha. I wonder why I like the sound of "Force Majeur" so much. U make a "heavy subject" feels so light.

"May the force be with you" my friend.

Thomas Lee said...

Yah,they definitely have to have a much better command of english,if not how are they or you going to convince the judge and twist things around.Hee! he!
Why, you're studying law?

Unknown said...

Haha I wish I was doing a double degree of Business and Law!... but yea I was a monitor in Form 6 - how did you know? Once again, great post! :) Have a nice week!

Ninja Coffee said...

[Dak Wan]
Whoaaaa~~ If you are "Force Majeur", then you gotta advice mother nature to stop all the earthquakes and tsunamis happening around.

That actually made sense. Lawyers, Sweet talking ninjas~~
Oh yea, I'm studying law for now. I have interest in finance too. I'm considering to expand my knowledge in law/finance. (also, not to forget my roots in ninja)

Thanks for the compliment. Oh really? you were a monitor in form6? Hehey, your aura of leadership is beaming everywhere. Thats how I know. =D

she said...

hahahahahahaha....very true! super the chimonology the terminologies!! Those studying bio-science is opposite, meaning, the chimonology with all the weird medical terms in short forms....

by the way, very the kelakar post! :)

Ninja Coffee said...

I like short forms better. Even better if they are short forms only professionals would recognise. Makes me feel like I'm in a elite class.

tranquility said...

welcome to the world of voluminous read..

like reading storybook, easy peasy