And this guy, he was good! As I was about to deliver a killing blow with my katana, he stood firm and negotiated his way out of danger.
"If you put down your katana, I'll let you in one of my secrets." he whispered. And sure enough, I sheath in my katana and I'm all ears.
And this is what he told me:
Negotiation is an exchange. To give something in return for something.
A good way to negotiate is to phrase your sentence:
"If I [...] then you [...]. Ok?" (eg: If I visit your blog, then you give me a comment, ok?)
An even better way to negotiate is to phrase your sentence like this:
"If you [...] then I will [...]" (eg: If you give me a comment then I will visit your blog.)
By turning the sequence of [you] and [I], it produce a different effect. One thing to note here is 'People are more likely to remember the last sentence.'
Lets compare to the two styles:
If I [...] then you [...]. Ok? (If I visit your blog, then you drop me a comment, ok?) | If you [...] then I will [...] (If you drop me a comment then I will visit your blog.) |
Because the last point is more memorable than the first , the other party is obliged to commit to the deal. No one likes obligation. It is as if they are being forced. | Because the last point is more memorable than the first point, You are implying commitment from your side. You are committed to the deal. (Thumbs up!) |
Because the focus is on the other party, they'll think twice before committing to a deal. Thinking twice means hesitation. | Because of your definite commitment to the deal, the other party will be more likely to give in and cooperate. (Thumbs up!) |
Rating: Thumbs Down | Rating: Thumbs Up! |
Remember: If you [drop me a comment] then I [will visit your blog].
Give it a try and drop a comment if it works for you.
If you drop me a comment, I'll visit your blog. Deal?
19 ninja comment(s):
since you visited my blog many many times, now i visit u back n drop comment too..(and click certain things)
*two thumbs up?
btw, good coffee :-)
4 thumbs up! :D
Cute post! :) Like the ninja art.
This is quite insightful! Thanks!
I knew it! I knew it that you had naughty fingers! Thanks for clicking around. More importantly, thanks for dropping a comment.
Gee. Thanks? I'm not sure if I should be glad to receive 4 thumbs up OR if I should be worried that someone had 4 thumbs.
Thanks. More great blogpost to come. You did the right thing. Wuahaha
Thanks for the compliment.
Thats good to hear. Its comment like these that encourage me to blog more
Wow, nice art of persuasion there. I'm so into it.
hahah.. nice one..
always relating life with ninja-style he? lol..
so if you visit my blog and drop me a comment, i will visit your blog back..
how's that sound? =P
haha nice negotiation post Ninja!
kakaka~ not throwing darts to their face meh XD
just kidding lahhh~
i love commenting on good post..
sometimes a few post for them when it was really attractive~!
definitely a cup of nice coffee here
:2 thumbsup:
[Dak Wan]
Thanks for the comment. Its comment like these that tells me that I'm on the right track to be a top blogger.
Yea! My life once revolves around ninja-ing. Now my life revolves around ninja-ing and blogging.
Your proposal sounds good to me!
Thanks Chinwei! More to come more to come. Do stay tuned.
[Alpha Ace]
Thanks for thumbs up!
Oh, did i forget to mention? When all fails, throw a dart at their face. XD
nicely said =)
wow. nice ninja idea there!
I use this quite often. Try it, you'll be amazed by the results.
all hands up..how's that dude? haha..k forget it; that will make me look like a bandit anyway.
honestly speaking, i love ur writing style..how u arrange the flow of the stories..keeps the audience in focus. not too long and too short..nicely done.keep up ur good writing n happy blogging
Subliminal message ah? Act not so subliminal at all! Hahahahahahahahaha Good one!
All hands up? I'll accept that. I'm still waiting for someone to do all toes up.
Thanks for the feedback. This is the kind of feedback that I cherish the most. It tells me that i'm heading the right direction. Both of you guys have a good soul. Bless you.
Subliminal? Not until that degree, i guess. But it works well surprisingly. Give it a try and let me know if you have had any success stories.
I wish not concur on it. I regard as nice post. Particularly the title-deed attracted me to study the intact story.
You have a funny way of expressing your thoughts. I'm not sure if i understand what you are trying to express other than the compliment stating that its a nice post
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